28 November 2010


NEWS - KT loses 3-stone in 8 weeks...

Our biggest loser of SB4, and our slimmer of the year is KT! 8 weeks ago we started off with 55 slimmers, between them they has lost over 50 stone as the final 17 ended the show on Friday! For the final time, the final 17's; KT, Mandy, Debbie, Vanessa, Alasdair, Michael, Carolyn, Kay, Zoe, Lucy, Jane, Bev, Vicky, Elizabeth, Sue G, Sue C, Sharlotte, Natasah and Joseph's videos are now ready for you to watch at... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Whats your 2011 plan?

With just weeks to go until the new year, now is the time to plan your weight loss success for 2011. Here are our top recommended options...

  1. Slim Brother Telephone or Online coaching - for just £20 per month Slim Brother will contact you every week to check your weight loss results and advice you how to keep losing, plus set weekly goals. Also available is occasional one to one coaching sessions charged at £40 per hour, for more details please see www.slimbrother.co.uk/coaching
  2. Slim Brother holiday - We have now released our 2011 holiday dates; April, July and December. Come and enjoy losing weight in the sunshine. For more details, please see www.slimbrother.co.uk/holiday
  3. Join a gym - For those able to attend Bfree Derby, we have a special rate membership just for you of £17.50 with a £20 joining fee. To join please contact pop into Bfree and say Slim Brother sent you or email clara@bfreefitness.co.uk
  4. Get a weekly weigh in - If you find you lose control easily then a weigh in should help you get back on the slim road if you fall. Clara and Alice run "Diet Express" at Bfree in Derby and can provide various weight loss options. For more information please contact derby@dietexpress.co.uk
  5. Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups - If you are struggling to get over an issue then CELEBRATE RECOVER can help you. From overeating to drug addiction, drinking issues to rape - every issue can be helped with the 12 step programme used at the free course in Derby's Riverside Centre - Wednesdays 7.30pm - for more details please see www.communitychurchderby.org
  6. The Meaning of Life - If you are struggling with the bigger picture of the meaning of life then Alpha will help you make sure your on the right track in life. For details of courses in your local area please visit www.alpha.org

NEXT WEEK (our final update of the year will be send this Friday) - The 12 days of Christmas video will be released! Also will be released will be our brand new Pump and Relaxations DVDs!

Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com

21 November 2010



The big news this week is Slim Brother will be coming to you LIVE all this week - join in our classes online!  Plus this coming Friday Slim Brother ends the year with our wrap party! For all the details, and the slimmers weekly video updates, please visit... www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Best Benefits

This week our slimmers have looked at the best parts of the year and focusing on our health benefits will help you keep on track with your weight loss mission. See our slimmers best bits now at www.slimbrother.co.uk


We have the results of SB4, plus our exclusive 12 days of Slim Brother Christmas video!

Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com


14 November 2010



The Slim Brother slimmers have confessed all to you this week! Take a look what happens when our slimmers are left alone with the camera in our diary room, plus see whose not turned up this week and see who thrown in the towel for good... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


How toxic is your bathroom? Are your cleaning products keeping you fat? All you need to use on a daily basic to keep clean and smelling fresh is a bar of low toxic soap, non-chloride tooth paste and a chrystal deodorant stone. I have filmed an exclusive video on this subject now at www.youtube.com/josephspendlove You can buy all these products featured in this video online now at www.slimbrother.co.uk/shop.

For more details on how to reduce your toxic level, book at one to one coaching session with me today... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/coaching

NEXT WEEK is the penultimate week of Slim Brother 2010, so we take a tearful look at our best moments of the year. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com


8 November 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... Make yourself sick? | 5 stone lost just this week!


The remaining 27 slimmers this week have had one of the best weeks ever, losing over 5 stone just this week! Check out the slimmers latest video diaries, plus see whose left at... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Do you make yourself sick?

This is a very serious issue which many people partake in regularly, and in fact 3 of our current 27 slimmer still make them self sick to lose weight. This is a sign our relationship with food is not good and something we urgently need to work.on. I have made a special video on this subject... www.youtube.com/josephspendlove

For more details join our new online club... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/club


Of slimmers will be confessing all to you! Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk 

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com


20 June 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... 10 Commandments | 4 leave


Following the news of our 3 new slimmers, we have low had a total of 4 people leave the course. To find out who, plus see the first week AMAZING results (over 5 stone lost between them!) from all our slimmers please see... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

Spotlight... I would particularity ask you to support our struggling course member Natasha, please write your messages of support at the bottom of her latest video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBwJZ62huBA


How would your health and life be like now if you had followed Slim Brother's Ten Commandments...

1. God is always number 1.
2. Worship God only.
3. Treat God's name with respect.
4. Rest on a Sunday.
5. Respect parents.
6. Live in peace.
7. Enjoy sex when you are married only.
8. Be honest and generous.
9. Always tell the truth.
10. Be content and happy with everything you have.

For more details see Exodus 20.

All I can say is, it's never too late.


Slim Brother takes Katie for a makeover. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


13 June 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... new 32 slimmers | EAT FAT!


I very excited to introduce you to the brand new, 32 slimmers of Slim Brother 2! All their photos, videos and profiles are now live. Plus Slim Brother has a special twist for his 3 returning slimmers... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Fat, fat and more fat! Just hearing the word "fat" might bring to mind all sorts of mostly negative images. In our culture we are taugh to fear fat. It is rather odd that we are educated to avoid this food substance when it is actually the fat in our food that gives us a feeling of satisfaction from our meal. Healthy fats also aid in cleansing the body, as the fat lubricates the internal layers and promotes health. Many of us deny ourselves the basic pleasure and comfort of healthy fats. So, stop buying meat without the fat! Get full fat products like whole milk, full fat cheese, an d start eating fatty pieces of meat and fish. Source... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Healing-Our-Children-Preconception-Pregnancy/dp/0982021313/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276252184&sr=1-1. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


How will the new slimmers get on in their first 7 days? Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


6 June 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... Bev | New classes | Bev's tip


The exciting news fresh from Friday night it that our final 20 slimmer lost a total of 21 stone between them, biggest losers being Peter losing 30 pounds - 11.7% of his body weight, Katie losing 36 pounds - 12% of her body weight, and Bev losing 30 pounds - 12.5% of her body weight! Watch Bev's exclusive video interview, all the winners final results being announced, the fashion show starring our slimmers and the slimmers final video diaries...  http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

Plus on the Website your final change to apply for the brand new course starting this week in Burton, Derby and online... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

Brand new diet and fitness classes start this week... Tuesday 7pm St Peters Church, St Peters Street, Derby and Wednesday 7pm at Riverside Church, High Street, Burton... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


This week's slim tip has to be from Bev, our biggest loser. As she says in her final video, it's all about drinking more water and having a positive mind. What have you got to lose, as she said, try and you might also be 30 pounds lighter in just 8 weeks like Bev. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


The brand new slimmers of Slim Brother 2 will be announced. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


30 May 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... End Event | Farm | Go and take action

This week is the last week of my current slimming course, there are over 5 people that could be the biggest loser if they pull out all the stops this week. VOTE for your fave slimmer now on the website and you can watch the results LIVE this Friday, 6pm Debehams Westfield Derby, free fashion show, everyone welcome. This is also the start event for my new course, APPLY NOW... (also check out the results from the farm visit to HAPPY HENS!) http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/
Bank Holiday classes - there are no classes running. All other classes will run as normal this week.

Take action! I see many slimmers on my courses and just enquiring on my help on facebook and such like. The people who get results are the people who take action. The people that say "I would like to do this" or "I should really do that" never get results. Look at my current slimmers, the ones who give clear goals and are taking action are feeling great as they are rewarded. It's never to late, all you need to do is TAKE ACTION NOW! For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/

Exclusive interviews with Slim Brother 1's biggest loser and people's champion. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/


23 May 2010



Tonight I will be sharing my "sinner to saint" story at St Peters Church, details... http://www.facebook.com/josephspendlove?v=app_2344061033#!/event.php?eid=114569195233273&index=1

Slim Brother has had another 3 walk the plank this week, Bev is again this weeks Slimmer of the Week, the makeover photo shoot photos are launched, and now only 2 week until our new courses starting at new venues Burton Riverside Church, Derby City Centre St Peters Church (soon at Littleover Methodist Church in daytime with creche!) and as usual at Bfree, full details... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


DETOX. If you are feeling fat and unhealthy a short detox will really help you feel over the moon. All you need to do is base all your food on fresh items such as fruit, veg, salad with meat, fish, eggs or nuts. The only thing you should be drinking is water. Add this with daily exercise and I GUARANTEE you will lose 1 pounds of fat PER DAY for the next 14 days. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


It's your time to vote who you want to be the Slim Brother people's champ! Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com/


16 May 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... Sleep | 12 Slimmers Heads Roll | Lightest Slimmers is Slimmer of the Week


My brand new free 8-week weight loss courses starts in 3 weeks. Apply now at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

The rumours are true, a total of 12 out of the 40 slimmers have now left the course. Slim Brother whats the problem? Half of the 40 are people who took the previous course and as it's not as new and people are not getting the first results they got the first time round it has been hard for these guys to keep motivated. The others who have given up are just not in the mind set quite yet that they are ready to change or there lives are so full they can not make time for improve their own health. However great news, our slimmest Slimmers, Sue C is this week's slimmer of the week, losing a massive 5 pounds! Check out her latest video diary, plus the other 27 slimmers at (plus yesterday video of the GAGA PUMP class!)  http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Sleep! Sleeping from 10pm to 6am everyday will refresh your body and mind so your immune system and wellbeing is tip top. The first 4 hours are physical repair and the second 4 hours is your mental repair. This is why when we go to bed late we feel physically tired the next day, and when we get up before 6am we may feel mentally drained. If you have problems sleeping normally there is one cause, STRESS! Ditch the sleeping tabs and destress, make your life more simple, for the sake of your health. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


The photos from Bev and Tracy's photoshoot. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com/


9 May 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... Boot Camp | Peter loses 6 pounds this week | Stressed?


Peter is this weeks Slimmer of the Week losing 6 pounds this week, 3 slimmers have walked from the course and take a look at the video from the Bank Holiday boot camp in the park, for full details and all the slimmers weekly update videos...  http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Is stress affecting your eating habits? If so you need to master the moment. The next time we get cut up at a roundabout we could swear, bib, stick our fingers up, flash or light, shout - or we could do nothing and just accept we will be 2 seconds later to where we are going. This is a great example how we need not get upset about things. More serious issues like death are more complicated, but I am sure anyone who dies would not like you to stop living and stop smiling. MASTER THE MOMENT NOW. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Find out how our slimmers got on at the Darley Park Race for Life! Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk



2 May 2010

Makeover | Poo


The people's champ of my last course, Tracy, along with my current course first 1 stone slimmers Bev, went along to a photo shoot last week. Take a look at the outstanding results now, work that camera Bev... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

Angel Slim Brother will be at the RACE FOR LIFE in Darley Park Derby, next Sunday from noon having a pic nic (all welcome) and will be the official end marker of the 2.30pm race.


How was your poo this morning? Looking at our digestion systems tells us alot about how healthy and balanced what we eat and drink. IBS is not normal and no one should be living with it. A "floater" is a sign of undigested fat from eating too much or very low quality. Constipation means your simply dehydrated. The runs means toxins in your system, your body is flushing them out, do not take pills to stop it, let your body flush the bad things you put in to be flushed away. To find out what a perfect poo should look like please attend my slimming club classes this week or book in a one to one coaching session with me...http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Results from Slim Brothers first outdoor boot camp in the park! Xjs

30 April 2010