13 June 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... new 32 slimmers | EAT FAT!


I very excited to introduce you to the brand new, 32 slimmers of Slim Brother 2! All their photos, videos and profiles are now live. Plus Slim Brother has a special twist for his 3 returning slimmers... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


Fat, fat and more fat! Just hearing the word "fat" might bring to mind all sorts of mostly negative images. In our culture we are taugh to fear fat. It is rather odd that we are educated to avoid this food substance when it is actually the fat in our food that gives us a feeling of satisfaction from our meal. Healthy fats also aid in cleansing the body, as the fat lubricates the internal layers and promotes health. Many of us deny ourselves the basic pleasure and comfort of healthy fats. So, stop buying meat without the fat! Get full fat products like whole milk, full fat cheese, an d start eating fatty pieces of meat and fish. Source... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Healing-Our-Children-Preconception-Pregnancy/dp/0982021313/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276252184&sr=1-1. For more details attend this weeks slimming club class or book a one to one coaching session (online or in person) at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


How will the new slimmers get on in their first 7 days? Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


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