28 November 2010


NEWS - KT loses 3-stone in 8 weeks...

Our biggest loser of SB4, and our slimmer of the year is KT! 8 weeks ago we started off with 55 slimmers, between them they has lost over 50 stone as the final 17 ended the show on Friday! For the final time, the final 17's; KT, Mandy, Debbie, Vanessa, Alasdair, Michael, Carolyn, Kay, Zoe, Lucy, Jane, Bev, Vicky, Elizabeth, Sue G, Sue C, Sharlotte, Natasah and Joseph's videos are now ready for you to watch at... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Whats your 2011 plan?

With just weeks to go until the new year, now is the time to plan your weight loss success for 2011. Here are our top recommended options...

  1. Slim Brother Telephone or Online coaching - for just £20 per month Slim Brother will contact you every week to check your weight loss results and advice you how to keep losing, plus set weekly goals. Also available is occasional one to one coaching sessions charged at £40 per hour, for more details please see www.slimbrother.co.uk/coaching
  2. Slim Brother holiday - We have now released our 2011 holiday dates; April, July and December. Come and enjoy losing weight in the sunshine. For more details, please see www.slimbrother.co.uk/holiday
  3. Join a gym - For those able to attend Bfree Derby, we have a special rate membership just for you of £17.50 with a £20 joining fee. To join please contact pop into Bfree and say Slim Brother sent you or email clara@bfreefitness.co.uk
  4. Get a weekly weigh in - If you find you lose control easily then a weigh in should help you get back on the slim road if you fall. Clara and Alice run "Diet Express" at Bfree in Derby and can provide various weight loss options. For more information please contact derby@dietexpress.co.uk
  5. Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups - If you are struggling to get over an issue then CELEBRATE RECOVER can help you. From overeating to drug addiction, drinking issues to rape - every issue can be helped with the 12 step programme used at the free course in Derby's Riverside Centre - Wednesdays 7.30pm - for more details please see www.communitychurchderby.org
  6. The Meaning of Life - If you are struggling with the bigger picture of the meaning of life then Alpha will help you make sure your on the right track in life. For details of courses in your local area please visit www.alpha.org

NEXT WEEK (our final update of the year will be send this Friday) - The 12 days of Christmas video will be released! Also will be released will be our brand new Pump and Relaxations DVDs!

Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com

21 November 2010



The big news this week is Slim Brother will be coming to you LIVE all this week - join in our classes online!  Plus this coming Friday Slim Brother ends the year with our wrap party! For all the details, and the slimmers weekly video updates, please visit... www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Best Benefits

This week our slimmers have looked at the best parts of the year and focusing on our health benefits will help you keep on track with your weight loss mission. See our slimmers best bits now at www.slimbrother.co.uk


We have the results of SB4, plus our exclusive 12 days of Slim Brother Christmas video!

Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com


14 November 2010



The Slim Brother slimmers have confessed all to you this week! Take a look what happens when our slimmers are left alone with the camera in our diary room, plus see whose not turned up this week and see who thrown in the towel for good... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk


How toxic is your bathroom? Are your cleaning products keeping you fat? All you need to use on a daily basic to keep clean and smelling fresh is a bar of low toxic soap, non-chloride tooth paste and a chrystal deodorant stone. I have filmed an exclusive video on this subject now at www.youtube.com/josephspendlove You can buy all these products featured in this video online now at www.slimbrother.co.uk/shop.

For more details on how to reduce your toxic level, book at one to one coaching session with me today... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/coaching

NEXT WEEK is the penultimate week of Slim Brother 2010, so we take a tearful look at our best moments of the year. Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com


8 November 2010

THIS IS SLIM BROTHER... Make yourself sick? | 5 stone lost just this week!


The remaining 27 slimmers this week have had one of the best weeks ever, losing over 5 stone just this week! Check out the slimmers latest video diaries, plus see whose left at... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk

SLIM TIP - Do you make yourself sick?

This is a very serious issue which many people partake in regularly, and in fact 3 of our current 27 slimmer still make them self sick to lose weight. This is a sign our relationship with food is not good and something we urgently need to work.on. I have made a special video on this subject... www.youtube.com/josephspendlove

For more details join our new online club... http://www.slimbrother.co.uk/club


Of slimmers will be confessing all to you! Until then view the latest breaking news and updates at http://www.slimbrother.co.uk 

COMMENT ON THIS POST AT... http://josephspendlove.blogspot.com
